CHILD OF GOD – Woop! Woop!
WIFE – So blessed to belong to my hubby!
MOTHER – So privileged to have my little munchkins!
WRITER – I don’t like talking much.
INTROVERTED – And proud to say so.
HEAVENBOUND – Double Woop! Woop! And a moonwalk!
MORE? – I love reading, Chinese food, netball, and athletics. I’ve studied in Nigeria, United Kingdom, Togo, and South Africa. I’m a former channel administrator for a satellite TV station and I’ve only recently acquired the wild audacity to believe that even I may have something to contribute to our understanding of the calling on a follower of Christ.
WHAT AM I DOING HERE? – I believe that EVERY CHRISTIAN IS A SUPERHERO, or at least should strive to be. I’d like to (among other things) …
…touch the heart of the self-marginalised Christian superhero, who happily relinquishes his superpowers in favour of a more watered down and comfortable Christianity.
…challenge the mindset of the indoctrinated Christian superhero, who is weighed down with the pressure of ‘works’ – all in an attempt to draw favour and power from God.
…challenge myself to find out how God sees me – thus finding out who I truly am, and what my role and superpower is while I’m here on earth.
Christ is often described as a Lion and we should conduct ourselves accordingly. We should emulate the Lion of the tribe of Judah – We should live THE KINIUN LIFE.