In the movie, Aquaman, the nautical bad boy repeatedly balked at any encouragement to take up his role as king of the oceans. But as we often see in superhero flicks, the protagonist initially offers nothing but reluctance towards his calling. Why is this a common occurrence?
As Christians, surely the call to represent Christ and embark on preparations to do the things He did should be enough motivation for us to grab our capes and lassos. But just like our seafaring friend, something seems to be stopping us. Have we become complacent? Do we believe that such feats are reserved only for Pastors and other men and women of the cloth?
According to what Christ Himself said, that call is for all of us, not just a few. In fact, in His second letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul called us ‘Ambassadors for Christ.’ The Miriam Webster definition of an Ambassador is an ‘…agent of the highest rank accredited to a foreign government…’ Such a definition should immediately give us a picture of how Christ sees us.
The book of Genesis recounts how God created the world. He spent the first five days creating the lands, seas, and skies in their resplendent glory and then the day after, He creates man in the image of the one who just created the world – think about that for a minute …………… are you done? Because it seems to me that we may not realise the premium that God has placed on man, His prized creation. Think about what God’s thought process must have been if He chose to create man in His likeness after He had just performed the unfathomable feat of creating the heavens and the earth.
Could there ever be a good enough justification for not fully walking in the calling with which we have been called? Do you not want to see the lives of those around you change for the better? Do you not want to constantly enjoy a connection to a powerful Source? Do you not want a sense of purpose being fulfilled? Will you not honour the sacrifice that Christ made on the cross and burst out of your tomb, brimming with supernatural power, the way you were intended to?
I challenge us all (If we truly intend on being ambassadors for Christ and superheroes for God) to search out what our reasons are for walking in this calling. It should be something that you care about, something that comes from your heart and something you carry with you day after day. Aquaman eventually realised he had to save his people and obtaining the trident was his only hope. Wonder woman sought to defend humanity from Ares, god of war. Superman learned of his identity and resolved to help people while fighting crime.
What’s your purpose?
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