The Kiniun Blog

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Salt, Light and Power!

The Kiniun Blog: ENTRY 8 – Salt, Light and Power Maybe it’s my naturally competitive nature or the clawing frustration of seeing Christians not living up to their full potential, but this post has a firm grip on my heart. Scripture says we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. […]

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blog on christianity, christian blog, blog for christians, topics on christianity, christian topics, topics for christians, articles on christianity, christian articles, articles for christians, heroes for christ, christian heros, christianity issues, christian issues, christian interest, christian inspiration, inspiration for christians, christian books, books for christians, books on christianity, christian literature, literature on christianity, literature for christians, christian reading, reading for christians

Drop The Muscle!

The Kiniun Blog: Entry 6 – Drop The Muscle! Physique is so overrated, especially when it comes to spiritual warfare. Wouldn’t it be something if we could just skip on down to the gym and spin-class our way to financial victory? Or maybe hop over to the athletics field, hurl a javelin into the air

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blog on christianity, christian blog, blog for christians, topics on christianity, christian topics, topics for christians, articles on christianity, christian articles, articles for christians, heroes for christ, christian heros, christianity issues, christian issues, christian interest, christian inspiration, inspiration for christians, christian books, books for christians, books on christianity, christian literature, literature on christianity, literature for christians, christian reading, reading for christians

Not of This World

The Kiniun Blog: ENTRY 4 – NOT OF THIS WORLD Growing up as an African, my ears often rang with the ‘not so subtle’ comparisons to other more accomplished children. If it wasn’t: “You know, the Adekunle’s daughter just got a master’s degree.” It was: “Bola can now preach a church message all by herself

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blog on christianity, christian blog, blog for christians, topics on christianity, christian topics, topics for christians, articles on christianity, christian articles, articles for christians, heroes for christ, christian heros, christianity issues, christian issues, christian interest, christian inspiration, inspiration for christians, christian books, books for christians, books on christianity, christian literature, literature on christianity, literature for christians, christian reading, reading for christians, who on earth are we, christian Superhero, christian Superheroes, Spiritual Identity Crisis, christian Spiritual Identity Crisis

Who on Earth Are We?

The Kiniun Blog: ENTRY 1 – WHO ON EARTH ARE WE? My husband loves superhero movies! Be it of the Marvel variety or the DC conviction, it’s never really mattered. The time proven draw card of ordinary folk discovering their inner super-powers and using them to destroy villains and their evil missions, in order to

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