The Topic Room

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By Flesh or By Faith?

The Topic Room: BY FLESH OR BY FAITH? Many Christians feel frustrated because the victory they are told to anticipate as a follower of Christ does not seem to correspond with their lived experiences. “If I’m supposed to be ‘more than a conqueror’, then why am I constantly struggling?” I may not have a tailored […]

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blog on christianity, christian blog, blog for christians, topics on christianity, christian topics, topics for christians, articles on christianity, christian articles, articles for christians, heroes for christ, christian heros, christianity issues, christian issues, christian interest, christian inspiration, inspiration for christians, christian books, books for christians, books on christianity, christian literature, literature on christianity, literature for christians, christian reading, reading for christians

Lie Of The Senses

The Topic Room: LIE OF THE SENSES Using our senses to understand spiritual matters is like lifting a magnifying glass to the sky and using it to examine our solar system! When I face certain life challenges (as I am currently facing), I often have to resist the urge to evaluate my situation using the

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blog on christianity, christian blog, blog for christians, topics on christianity, christian topics, topics for christians, articles on christianity, christian articles, articles for christians, heroes for christ, christian heros, christianity issues, christian issues, christian interest, christian inspiration, inspiration for christians, christian books, books for christians, books on christianity, christian literature, literature on christianity, literature for christians, christian reading, reading for christians

Source of Peace

The Topic Room: SOURCE OF PEACE For the next few minutes, I want to invite you to forget your occupation and the errands you need to run today. I invite you to lay aside the hurt and regrets of yesterday and years gone by and shut your mind to the anxiety of the future. Imagine

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blog on christianity, christian blog, blog for christians, topics on christianity, christian topics, topics for christians, articles on christianity, christian articles, articles for christians, heroes for christ, christian heros, christianity issues, christian issues, christian interest, christian inspiration, inspiration for christians, christian books, books for christians, books on christianity, christian literature, literature on christianity, literature for christians, christian reading, reading for christians

Will He or Won’t He?

The Topic Room: WILL HE OR WON’T HE? Certain questions are nothing short of pointless and rhetorical. For example, can Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson bench press a baseball bat? Can Cristiano Ronaldo score from a set-piece? Or can Beyonce Knowles belt out the arguably banal yet soul-soothing tune of ‘Twinkle Twinkle little star? It would

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blog on christianity, christian blog, blog for christians, topics on christianity, christian topics, topics for christians, articles on christianity, christian articles, articles for christians, heroes for christ, christian heros, christianity issues, christian issues, christian interest, christian inspiration, inspiration for christians, christian books, books for christians, books on christianity, christian literature, literature on christianity, literature for christians, christian reading, reading for christians

Miss The Moments

The Topic Room: MISS THE MOMENTS There’s nothing like a big bowl of vanilla ice-cream covered in Oreo crumbles on a warm summer’s evening. Add a witty nineties Rom-Com, soft lighting, a poufy blanket, a quietness that can only be attained when your tribe is safely tucked away in bed, and you’ve got true bliss!

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