Elementary, my dear Christians!

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The Kiniun Blog: ENTRY 7 – Elementary, my dear Christians!

One of my favourite bible verses is Colossians Chp 2 vs 8.

‘See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.’

As superheroes for Christ, should this verse not be one of the pillars of our mandate on earth?

One of the most prominent nuggets of truth we encounter in the new testament is the destiny-aligning revelation that we are not of this world. (John Chp 15 v 19, John Chp 17 v 14-16, Romans Chp 12 v 1-2, James Chp 4 v 4).

We spend a vast amount of our time positioning our thoughts in a way that conforms to the accepted wisdom of the world. But there is absolutely nothing that suggests this train of thought is beneficial to the life of a Christian.

My goal today is to briefly highlight the stunted and unproductive nature of the world’s wisdom and why we should avoid it – scratch that- rather, why we should fasten a ton of lead weights on it and throw it in the ocean’s abyss, where it belongs.

The first day of our lives on earth was the herald of our journey in acquiring earthly lessons and earthly wisdom. Our senses have been incessantly tweaked and bombarded with a barrage of signals and triggers that ultimately determine our responses to the outside world. But Christ has stated, in no uncertain terms, that we are not of this world. So, which world are we a part of? Jesus Christ gave clear and vivid glimpses into the way His world operates.

  • Jesus raised the dead to life. (Luke Chp 7 vs 11-18)
  • Jesus demonstrated love over condemnation. (John Chp 8 vs 1-11)
  • Jesus made provision amid evident lack. (Matthew Chp 14 vs 15-21)
  • Jesus defied the laws of nature and calmed a storm. (Matthew Chp 8 vs 23-27)
  • Jesus defied the laws of biology and cured a deaf and mute man. (Mark Chp 7 vs 31-37)
  • Jesus defied the laws of physics and walked on water. (Matthew Chp 14 vs 22-27)
  • Jesus defied the laws of chemistry and turned water into wine. (John Chp 2 vs 1-11)

On the other hand…

  • The world tells us that deliverance from pain lies at the bottom of a vodka bottle.
  • The world tells us that joy is found in the accumulation of ‘stuff’.
  • The world tells us that love and affection is found in the arms of multiple empty relationships that leave you used and depleted.
  • The world tells us that obtaining more is wise and being content is foolish.
  • The world tells us that our journey on earth is eventually punctuated with death…and that’s it.
  • The world tells us to overlook the ironic existence of a Being who can offer us deliverance from detrimental earthly bondage and instead give you hope at the end of our lives in the form of a glorious eternity!

Jesus could not be contained within the elementary laws and principles of this world – AND AS HIS FOLLOWERS, NEITHER SHOULD WE!

My brothers and sisters, Jesus called things that were not as though they were. His very presence on earth was an astronomical declaration that there is a far superior world to that of the world we live in. He is inviting us to not only partake of it but to actively operate in and fully immerse ourselves in the fullness of its power. Anything less than this is considered ELEMENTARY and unbefitting of a follower of Jesus Christ.

Though we must wade through our brief journey on earth, we must not allow every inferior barnacle of earthly wisdom and earthly doctrine to attach itself to our existence. If we claim to be part of His kingdom and if we believe that His life-blood flows through our veins, then let us not substitute biblical truth for ‘lived experiences’. Let us instead rise and separate ourselves as we walk in the identity we have acquired because of Christ’s sacrifice. Let us change the earth’s landscape and paint it in the glorious hue of God’s glory. Let us shake off the shackles of the world’s deception and leave a Christ-sized mark on a world designed to enslave us.

I encourage us all to walk in our God-given calling and embrace the truth of the powers at our disposal. We are more powerful than we realise. And if we want to know by how much, shed the earth’s elementary principles and become the superhero God designed you to be.

Live TKL (The Kiniun Life)

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