God’s Superheroes; Earth’s Pioneers

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The Kiniun Blog: ENTRY 5 – God’s Superheroes; Earth’s Pioneers

Inventions are the alternators of our lives, chugging away behind the scenes and ensuring that our journey on earth is spurred forward with growth, inspiration, and efficiency. However, inventions also remind us of the very nature of our Creator.

Genesis 2:3Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all the work which God had created.’

In my very first Kiniun Blog post, ‘Who on Earth Are We?’ I touched on the seeming struggle we sometimes face in fully grasping who we are in Christ. The attributes of a life lived through Christ Jesus are many, but a very significant one is the call to be a pioneer.

As followers of Christ, we are problem solvers. Why? Because that’s who Christ is. There isn’t a problem known to man that we cannot find a solution for. Not because we are inherently smarter by earthly standards, but because He that lives in us is greater than he that lives in the world. And He that lives in us created the world and therefore knows everything there is to know about the inner workings, and the intricate details of the very fabric that weaves this entire universe together (Quite a mouthful, but I think you get my point). So, my question is, if we have the Spirit of the source of life coursing through our veins, should we not set out to demonstrate this universal gift given to all followers of Christ, wherever we happen to find ourselves?

1 John 4v4‘You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.’

One thing we can be certain of is that while we are on earth, problems will fester. But conversely, while we are on earth, they don’t have to, because if the carriers of God’s spirit (by the way, that’s you) are willing to show up and show their God, the world should expect the best solutions to be found by the children of the ultimate Inventor and Creator Himself.

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If you’re a fan of superhero movies you probably have a favourite, but I have been intrigued by Ironman. Amongst his many inventions, he invented Badassium (I see what he did there), an element that would help bolster the Arc Reactor (the power source of his suits) and a source of energy that would help foster the use of clean energy power. While villains were busy creating substances and schemes to promote destruction, Ironman was creating elements and gadgets for good, and he arguably became the superhero of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe), the superhero of all the superheroes. Those of us who choose to harness the power inside us and chart a course to solve the problems of our communities and our world as a whole will ultimately bring God glory, and you can’t go wrong with that.

As children of God, I urge us all to search within ourselves (I know it’s in there) for that drive to enter a hopeless situation and bring hope, to see pain and bring healing, to sniff out lack and douse the place with God’s abundance.

I commend the world’s inventors, past and present, and I’m grateful for the plethora of ways they have made our lives easier, but I dare to say that the greatest inventors the world has seen thus far are still the tip of the iceberg when compared to the Christ-centered inventors that will arise, and usher in a tidal wave of creations that are filled with the insurmountable wisdom of God’s spirit – the very Spirit that created the universe itself.

Live TKL (The Kiniun Life)

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1 thought on “God’s Superheroes; Earth’s Pioneers”

  1. Hmmmmnnn! 🤔 What an insightful presentation of the superiority of the divine power of Almighty Jehovah from whose creational template all human invention has sprung – the aerodynamics of airplanes fashioned and designed to mirror the flying mechanisms of The Bird; the sonar technologies of ocean-liners constructed though WITH human intelligence are designed after the swimming mechanisms of The Fish! The Lord God made them all. Thank you, The Kiniun Life for your skilful ventilation of the awesomeness of Almighty as The Greatest Designer of ‘all things bright and beautiful’. Keep it up.

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