Who on Earth Are We?

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The Kiniun Blog: ENTRY 1 – WHO ON EARTH ARE WE?

My husband loves superhero movies!

Be it of the Marvel variety or the DC conviction, it’s never really mattered. The time proven draw card of ordinary folk discovering their inner super-powers and using them to destroy villains and their evil missions, in order to save the world, has been irresistible to thousands just like my hubby. I’m more partial to rom-coms myself, but recently I too have been bitten by the superhero bug.

However, I do find it amusing that the concept of saving the world – the standard storyline of any decent superhero flick – is based on a premise that sounds suspiciously familiar to a 2000 year old story perched on a bloodied and wooden cross. It’s amazing how many concepts are possibly gleaned from the Bible – in which is found the greatest event in history, and the most formidable Superhero of all time.

The world has indeed been saved. Jesus Christ is the answer to our reconciliation back to the Father. However, there is a battle that I’m afraid we are losing. A battle against a pervasive evil that has been allowed to germinate and thrive. And I would like to shout it out from my little corner of the globe, louder than the thunder in my heart when I see a follower of Christ cower in the face of a vastly inferior power source. Louder than the unsettling clamour in my soul when I see a child of God relegate themselves to the position of court jester, rather than a chosen, holy and royal priesthood, dining with The King.

We are not insignificant.

We are not fodder for insulting jokes on social media at the expense of our Saviour.

We are not weaklings hiding behind man-made doctrines that capitalise on the ignorant assertions of others.

I call on Christians to fight against the growing evil of a SPIRITUAL IDENTITY CRISIS. We must win the battle against our inability to cultivate a full grasp of who we are in Christ Jesus, what we possess in him and the colossal power at our disposal.

Few books, if any, offer a clearer description and explanation of who a Christian is and what we are capable of, better than the Bible.

Here’s a few:

  • 1 Peter Chp 2v9 ‘But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.’
  • Matthew Chp 5 v14-15 ‘You are the light of the world. A city set on hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.’
  • Matthew Chp 10 v1 ‘Jesus summoned His disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.’



I intend to explore and learn about who I am in Jesus as I skip along my Kiniun Blog journey. Nothing serious, just some light-hearted exploration as I dive into God’s word, watch a superhero movie or two and maybe get inspired all over again.

Although, hubby’s not too keen on me watching Aquaman – can’t say I blame him though 😉

Live TKL (The Kiniun Life)



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1 thought on “Who on Earth Are We?”

  1. Pingback: God's Superheroes; Earth's Pioneers - Kiniun Life

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